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Sakib Khan
Apr 21, 2022
In Self Help Forum
You think too much and you have something to say. Or you want a deeper connection between your brand and the target audience. Namibia Phone Number List Then starting a blog is just what you need! The most practical way to start a blog is to use WordPress. Why WordPress ? With an average of 2% growth every year, WordPress has a worldwide Namibia Phone Number List usage rate of 25% and a leader in its field, with a total of 66 million users. This reflects the confidence of being able to use the same infrastructure with millions of people and organizations. Of course , free Word Press Namibia Phone Number List also has its drawbacks. You do not manage Google AdSense or Google Namibia Phone Number List ads in free WordPress. If you intend to monetize your blog or website in the future, paid WordPress is a better choice for you. Because in free use, Google ads to be published on your site are automatically determined. This ties your hands in receiving and controlling advertisements. Let's also point out that having a WordPress website is not enough to Namibia Phone Number List make you visible on the internet yet. “I have the best infrastructure, but why am I still absent?” If you say, let's explain. In order for your website to be active, you need to complete the hosting step. So, what is hosting?

Sakib Khan

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