Sql Navigator 6 Authorization 26 |TOP|
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If a view is defined as a Materialized View, it can be shown in the Navigator node. Materialized views are defined in a separate file and can appear in the Navigator node if the file is in the database's catalog.
Linked Views are shown in a separate navigator node if the connection is to an Oracle Database release that supports Linked Views. A linked view is a view that references an underlying table by name, rather than by column position. The underlying table is located in the base table of the view. In Oracle Database 11.2.0 and later versions, linked views are often used to implement the “database push” feature introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 1.
You can also use the various SQL Worksheet options (Edit SQL; Edit SQL Script; Add SQL Script; etc.) to edit the SQL code in a captured model or converted model. You can edit a script with the Results tab displaying the results of the edit. (You can't edit a single result in the Results tab, but you can search for a result in the Results tab and edit that.
The Datasource Mappings directory (shown in the preceding figure) contains the XML files that tell SQL Developer how to connect to a database. SQL Developer uses the files to identify the appropriate driver and create a connection to the database.
The java.sql.DriverManager object (identified by the cursor in the preceding figure) is a standardized object that Oracle can use to interface with your database. Such an object is used to manage the Oracle-specific JDBC drivers. SQL Developer can use the JDBC drivers to establish a connection to an Oracle database.
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